Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Don't Wait Until It's Too Late to Get Alcoholism and Addiction Cure

The curious thing about most of us is that we wait for things to turn for the worst before taking action. Similarly, most alcoholics and drug addicts look for alcoholism and addiction cure after hitting rock bottom. If you believe in the saying “it's better late than never”, think about your integrity, family, and livelihood that you could lose by not getting immediate help and treatment.

Overcoming denial

Denial stands as the biggest obstacle in alcoholism and addiction cure. This instinctive mental defense mechanism masks addiction and hides it for what it really is -- a destructive crutch and a very destructive coping mechanism. The addicted mind rationalizes each and every action that propels you towards drinking and taking drugs. How often do you catch yourself saying that you'll help yourself to one shot of tequila for making through a day without drinking?

Needless to say that overcoming denial will be the first step in getting the help that you need. The simplest and the best way to check your involvement with alcohol and addictive substances is developing an awareness for your addictive tendencies. If the time you spend with your loved ones and friends is way lesser than what it once was because you've given more time to your new found activities, you are definitely it. If you are still not convinced with this, here are some addiction symptoms you should look out for.

Addiction symptoms

Tolerance. Ever wonder why you drink or take drugs more than double the amount when you first started just to get high? It's because the body is one effective adaptation machine but to a certain point, and once it gets to that point, it's all down hill from there.

Withdrawal. Feeling shaky and cold after waking up and you need to drink or get a hit just to calm your nerves? Your body has become so adjusted with your drinking and drug use that it gets cranky whenever the level of the addictive substance within the bloodstream subsides.

Guilt feelings. Have you ever felt guilty of keeping your illicit activities from your partner, friends and relatives? You know that they don't approve of your actions so you hide just to get high.

There are various programs for addiction help that you can access and their only prerequisite is overcoming your denial. It may not be a total walk in the park once you get pass this, but it would be significantly easier. So make sure to be aware of your addictive tendencies and the symptoms of addiction to get the alcoholism and addiction cure before it's too late.  

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